Roasted Cherry Tomato Bruschetta

Try this recipe and you'll be hooked - especially if you love bruschetta! Here is a quick clip of making these amazing roasted cherry tomato bruschettas along with the full directions below! PREP TIME COOK TIME TOTAL TIME 5 mins 5-7 mins 10-12 mins INGREDIENTS: 1.5 Teaspoons French Made Easy 2-3 cups Roasted Cherry Tomatoes ( recipe here) 4-6 slices rustic bread, drizzled with olive oil, [...]
Roasted Cherry Tomatoes

This is one of those recipes that when we made it, we are simply amazed at what we are eating - it is that good! Grape tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, yellow tomatoes - use whatever tomato you want! Just be prepared to want more and more until you cannot possibly eat anymore. PREP TIME COOK TIME TOTAL [...]
Roasted Jalapeño and Cilantro Pesto Chicken Salad

After making our Jalapeño Cilantro Pesto (previous recipe provided), we wanted use this delicious sauce as dressing for a chicken salad! PREP TIME COOK TIME TOTAL TIME 5 mins 7-10 mins 15-20 mins INGREDIENTS: ¼ - ½ cup Jalapeño Cilantro Pesto 2 Chicken breasts, butterflied 3 Teaspoon Olive oil (1- for brushing on the chicken, 2 - for using to cook the chicken) 2 Teaspoons Smokin' Chipotle seasoning [...]
Jalapeño and Cilantro Pesto with Smokin' Chipotle

Who doesn't love pesto? We decided to make a little change to the classic recipe and use some fire-roasted jalapeños with cilantro and our Smokin' Chipotle seasoning blend! We are sure glad we did because this was one amazing pesto. We used this cilantro pesto recipe with various delicious meals such as on [...]
Crab Cakes

This recipe will make 4-5 crab cakes. Make sure you get fresh crab. It will not be cheap, but hey, you're making crab cakes. There are various takes to any crab cake recipe, and this is how we do it here at World Seasonings. PREP TIME COOK TIME TOTAL TIME 20 mins 7-10 mins 30 Mins INGREDIENTS: 1/2 Cup lump crab [...]
Smokin' Chipotle Chicken Salad

This dish is healthy, full of flavor and really easy to cook. It can even be Paleo if you take out the black beans. Either way you decide to make it, you will love it. The cilantro brings a bright and fresh flavor the dish that compliments the spicy and smokiness of the Chipotle seasoning blend. PREP TIME COOK TIME TOTAL TIME 10 [...]
Creamy Polenta With Ricotta and Parmesan

This is a quick and simple side dish recipe that will compliment any amazing dish! PREP TIME COOK TIME TOTAL TIME 5 mins 10 mins 15 mins INGREDIENTS: 1 Teaspoon French Made Easy 18 Ounces Pre-cooked Polenta ½ Cup Ricotta cheese ½ Cup Parmesan cheese, grated ⅓ Cup Whole milk DIRECTIONS: Here are the ingredients needed for this recipe. The milk and the Parmesan cheese are missing [...]
Braised Short Ribs With Red Wine (Boneless)

Why boneless, you ask? Because that's what happens when you send someone else to do your shopping! Get the ribs with bones...adds more flavor and looks cooler! But either way, these were AMAZING!!! Helpful Tip: If you have a large Dutch oven - great! If not, any large oven safe pot will do. PREP TIME COOK TIME TOTAL TIME SERVINGS 30 [...]
Roasted Rainbow Carrots

It is almost Easter so we thought it would be the perfect time to roast some beautiful and colorful carrots. We used Mediterranean Magic for this recipe, but any of our seasoning blends would work! PREP TIME COOK TIME TOTAL TIME 10 mins 35 mins 45 mins INGREDIENTS: 2 Teaspoons Mediterranean Magic Seasoning Blend 1 Pound bag of organic rainbow carrots ⅓ Cup Olive [...]
Sweet Potato Skins with Smokin' Chipotle

Transform potato skins into a nutritious and delicious dish with our sweet potato recipe! We love sweet potatoes here at World Seasonings and we cook with them all the time. We love the sweet, but it's also packed with lots of nutrients our bodies need. Here is our version of a healthy but flavorful alternative [...]